This is what I THOUGHT I’d be doing all day long when I took this job. Dear Streetsblog California readers:
I am retiring as Editor of Streetsblog California this week.
I had put together pages of notes about what I wanted to say in this post, with many links to past coverage (I did add some – see below). I was going to write about the important work the Streetsblog team does, about how much fun it has been to have a platform from which to poke at dumb words and actions by California leaders, about how difficult this job is, and about what a huge privilege it has been to do it for these last ten-plus years.
Then Los Angeles caught on fire.
For more than eighteen years now, Streetsblog writers across the nation have worked to bring attention to bad policies and poor decisions that have led us to this moment, when one of our biggest and most beloved cities is suffering the terrible consequences of inaction. We have been trying to turn the ship towards a better, safer, cleaner, more energy efficient world. Clearly we’re not there yet. We have made some progress, particularly in California, towards rethinking how we invest in our future, but we haven’t moved the needle enough. And some of what looks like progress is really only lip service , with the usual deciders merely changing their words to sound aligned with the "right" ideas, while continuing to conduct business as usual.
I am proud of the […]
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