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Bonkers winning run from Downmall

Bonkers winning run from Downmall

After seven years, Downmall Prague made a thrilling return. While there’s very little English media coming out of the event, the language of stoke is…

Monday, Feb 10


After seven years, Downmall Prague made a thrilling return. While there’s very little English media coming out of the event, the language of stoke is universal. Tailor made for Slavik

It’s certainly no surprise who won the event. Anyone that’s paying attention to this event, along with the Cerro Abajo series could have guessed the winner months ago; Tomas Slavik. And with two other events taking place on the same weekend, Slavik’s victory was even more secure. Because the majority of the world’s DH riders were either at Hardline. And a bunch of european riderws were busy trying to win the UCI snowbike world championships.

In front of an electrifying crowd, Slavik delivered a flawless run, putting everything together to take the win in a truly unforgettable atmosphere. Slavik is a three-time former world champion in four cross and has been seroiusly competitive in recent years on the urban downhill (Cerro Abajo) series. He did have some competition this time around, and his final run time of 49.24 seconds only just took the win over Germany’s Johaness Fischbach who was just .46 of a second behind him. The energy from the spectators was unmatched, creating an unreal experience from start to finish. Slopestyle

The race followed by a slopestyle event on the last jump of the DH course. A contingent of mostly Czech riders were in the event, joined by Austrian, Swede, German, Polish and Spanish riders. In the end if was local boy Jakub Vencl that took the top […]

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