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4 Minutes of Intense Activity per Day Halves Cardiovascular Risk

4 Minutes of Intense Activity per Day Halves Cardiovascular Risk

What is VILPA? The study focused on a type of high-intensity activity known as vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity. VILPA involves short, intense bursts of…

Monday, Jan 06


What is VILPA?

The study focused on a type of high-intensity activity known as vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity. VILPA involves short, intense bursts of physical exertion integrated into daily routines, such as climbing stairs, carrying groceries, walking briskly uphill, or playing active games with children or pets.

“Making short bursts of vigorous physical activity a lifestyle habit could be a promising option for women who are not keen on structured exercise or are unable to do it for any reason,” said Prof. Emmanuel Stamatakis, lead author of the study. Even a few minutes of intense activity has significant benefits

The researchers analyzed data from over 22 thousand participants aged 40 to 79, none of whom engaged in regular structured exercise. Participants wore physical activity trackers for 7 days to measure their VILPA. Over the following years, the researchers tracked cardiovascular health outcomes through hospital and mortality records. They found large differences between those who engaged in VILPA and those who didn’t.

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Women who averaged 3,4 minutes of VILPA daily were: 45% less likely to experience a major cardiovascular event

51% less likely to have a heart attack 67% less likely to develop heart failure Even smaller amounts of VILPA were beneficial. For example, just 1,2 to 1,6 minutes per day reduced the risk of major cardiovascular events by 30%, heart attacks by 33%, and heart failure by 40%. Why do short bursts of activity […]

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