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Wish Book: TurningWheels for Kids gifts underprivileged kids with bikes, health and freedom

Wish Book: TurningWheels for Kids gifts underprivileged kids with bikes, health and freedom

Volunteer Tom Shoup, right, helps Nathaniel Beltran, 12, and his grandfather Abel Beltran with Nathaniel’s bicycle at TurningWheels For Kids, a program run by the…

Sunday, Dec 15


Volunteer Tom Shoup, right, helps Nathaniel Beltran, 12, and his grandfather Abel Beltran with Nathaniel’s bicycle at TurningWheels For Kids, a program run by the the Valley Health Foundation, in San Jose, Calif., on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024. Wish Book for Valley Health Foundation. (Nhat V. Meyer/Bay Area News Group) Loading your audio article

SAN JOSE For Aaliyah Rosete, the VHFlyer 700C bicycle was more than just a shiny new pair of wheels to cruise around San Jose — it was also her first opportunity to feel the joy and freedom of the cool evening wind breeze blowing through her (helmet) hair. Related Articles

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She never learned to ride a bike as a child. But the 18-year-old quickly got the hang of it, surprising herself by adeptly peddling and overcoming her nerves as she practiced in a hallway at home, bracing the walls to help her stay upright.Aaliyah and her 10-year-old brother, Emiliano, received their bikes from Evergreen Valley High School, which partnered with TurningWheels for Kids (TWFK), a nonprofit organization that has purchased, assembled and fixed bikes for youth in the South Bay for two decades — all free of charge.“The people putting the […]

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