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Video & Photo Story: Alaska for the Weekend – Planes, Trains, Buses & Eventually Bikes

Video & Photo Story: Alaska for the Weekend - Planes, Trains, Buses & Eventually Bikes

Planes, trains, and buses; eventually bikes. A tale of four friends with an idea and a real loose plan, to go to Alaska for 3…

Sunday, Oct 20


Planes, trains, and buses; eventually bikes.
A tale of four friends with an idea and a real loose plan, to go to Alaska for 3 days to ride bikes. What began as a joke between myself (Tanner Stephens) and Drew Boxold to see how far we could go within US borders to ride bikes for a weekend, soon unraveled into an actual plan. It was simple: hop on a flight to Anchorage after work on Thursday, jump the train to Girdwood, then ride the bike park at Alyeska Resort for a couple days before reversing the process home just in time for work on Monday.

Thinking we had it handled, we invited our homies Josh Conroy and Wiley Kaupas along for the journey. Both said yes immediately. Correction: Wiley kind of invited himself on the mission, but we love him and he was my roommate for years in college and later my roommate during countless race weekends after, so naturally he gets the invite to wherever I am going (Wiley, if you’re reading this don’t abuse this privilege). With the crew assembled, we all booked flights and decided to make it happen for real. Drew on film duty, Josh shooting photos, Wiley forced to bring his camera, myself… well I guess I was playing shotty 35mm photo taker, and all of us as riders.

Not going to lie, I kind of conned my friends into a half-baked midnight idea I had romanticized to them about a great adventure to ride in […]

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