Former Chair
Los Alamos County Transportation Board
Biking on the hill is somewhere from fair to good, overall. Main roads have mostly usable bike lanes and most side roads are sparsely used enough to be comfortable most of the time.
Plus, some rides are downright excellent! The mostly open Urban Trail is already a fun cruise. When the path down to Canyon is finally open it will be a real hoot! And of course the Canyon Rim Trail is a casual romp with the Co-op at one and Smith’s at the other.
So why only fair to good?
There are still a few problems to work on. Maintenance of the older trails has fallen pretty far behind in places, mostly because it just isn’t a budget priority. Still, Public Works makes headway here and there — a nasty gap in the trail between Hawk’s Landing and North Mesa Park got fixed a few years back, and now the collapse on the trail between the stables and San Ildefonso has been patched. Some of the other trails look pretty bad, such as the one along Diamond or from San I to the tennis courts, but they are still rideable.
Often, especially after snow, the bike lanes are filled with rocks and trash pushed over from the road.
Another problem kind of just goes with the territory: hills. That might be the aspect that puts most people off bike riding, especially those who live on Barranca, Quemazon or upper North Community. North Mesa gets honorable mention, but […]
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