With an assist from our neighbours at Norco North Shore, we’re ready to charge up those tough hills to get to assignments Editor Andy Prest and the rest of the staff at the North Shore News have gone electric. | Nick Laba / North Shore News
Brent from the North Shore News and Grace from Norco North Shore show off the new e-bike that reporters will be using to charge up the hills on their way to assignments. | Nick Laba / North Shore News
North Shore News editor Andy Prest zooms into action on the new Norco e-bike reporters are now using to get to assignments. | Nick Laba / North Shore News
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Listen to this article 00:01:11 Like Bob Dylan when he shocked the world by ditching his acoustic guitar for a rock band, the North Shore News has gone electric.Don’t be surprised if you see an inquisitive type zooming up to your next news event on two wheels, as we’re happy to report that our North Shore News employees are now hitting the streets in style with a new e-bike.Our great friends and neighbours at Norco North Shore have equipped the North Shore News with a Norco Indie VLT ST 1, and we are loving it.Sure we could sit in traffic in a car or take a bus to assignments, but it’s a heck of a lot more fun to hop on the e-bike and […]
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