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How to turn your regular bike into an e-bike with just one gadget

How to turn your regular bike into an e-bike with just one gadget

parallax background In a world obsessed with electronics, e-bikes have become omnipresent. But while there’s a lot to say in favour of such a mode…

Wednesday, Jan 15


parallax background In a world obsessed with electronics, e-bikes have become omnipresent. But while there’s a lot to say in favour of such a mode of transport – especially when it replaces a less environmentally-friendly option – some of us have a normal bike they love and don’t want to part with. If that’s your case, but you’re still looking for a little assistance, CLIP might be the gadget you’re looking for.

How to turn your regular bike into an e-bike? It’s a question that many of us have pondered repeatedly, but for a long time, the answer seemed laborious and complex. This is precisely why CLIP co-founder Som Ray created this ingenious gadget.

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Публикация от CLIP ( “The idea was born from my own need – while living in Brooklyn I bought a bike to commute to work, but it became a pain because of a long uphill gradient. An obvious solution was to get an e-bike, but I’d already invested in my own bike and loved it, and an e-bike is a whole magnitude more expensive”, Ray told Dezeen.

When looking for simple solutions, it seemed like they didn’t exist. “I looked at e-bike conversion kits, but they are often painfully complex to set up. What I really wanted was the flexibility to easily move between analogue and e-bike”, Ray continues.

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Публикация от CLIP ( Som Ray decided to design such a device himself, with […]

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