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Embracing the Robot Overlords: My Experience with an AI Coach

Embracing the Robot Overlords: My Experience with an AI Coach

If your goal is to ride farther and faster on a bike in 2025, your focus should be on training. That’s where CoachCat can help.…

Thursday, Jan 09


If your goal is to ride farther and faster on a bike in 2025, your focus should be on training. That’s where CoachCat can help.

Of course that’s also where a lot of systems can help, but CoachCat is one of a new breed of AI enhanced options. It’s an honest to goodness coach. If your training plan says it’s a hard interval day but work ran late, and there’s no chance you’ve got the energy, you can ask what to do.

Sounds too good to be true? Or maybe you think you already know how to train?

You aren’t alone. I’ve been training in a specific way for years and I know it works. Except that maybe it doesn’t?

I’ve been training for years but my outcomes haven’t changed much. I’ve always thought that was a good thing as I’ve gotten older and held my speed plus learned how to ride farther. Maybe it’s time to try something new though.

For the last eight weeks I’ve been following the advice of my robot overlord. Here’s what I’ve learned from CoachCat. How it started

Back in August I wrote 5 Training Tools to Help You Ride Farther and Get Faster as a brief look into the myriad of training tools I was using. At that time in late August I was well into my unstructured summer riding plan of spend all the time on the bike. It’s easy when the days are long and warm to just ride a lot so that’s what […]

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