Big Branch Bike Park is located at 311 NW Corridor Boulevard in Jacksonville. Big Branch Bike Park is located at 311 NW Corridor Boulevard in Jacksonville. The building at 154 Brynn Marr Road in Jacksonville will be another location for Onslow County Department of Social Services employees. Two projects currently underway in Onslow County, while not related, will both bring new opportunity to the local community after gaining approval from the board of commissioners on Monday.
As part of the board’s consent agenda, a construction contract for phase two of Big Branch Bike Park was approved.
The park, located at 311 NW Corridor Boulevard in Jacksonville, was constructed in 2021. Since, it has drawn visitors from not only all over Onslow County, but around the state, and neighboring states, too.
Recently, the park provided access to additional biking and riding trails, as well as nature areas, and since opening, has become the primary training location for local youth mountain bike team, the Downeast Dirt Dawgs.
The second phase of Big Branch Bike Park will create an additional 4.5 miles of trail along the bluffs.
After sending out a Request for Qualifications for construction, three proposals were received, and Trail Dynamics was selected as the most qualified firm due to their extensive history of building complex mountain bike trails, and their direct experience constructing trails in the sandy soils of eastern North Carolina.
The contract was approved in the amount of $522,974, which will be paid for with American Rescue Plan Act funds."The facility you have […]
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